The Writing Manifesto: Part III

The Writing Manifesto

A writer’s mind is a chaotic web of knotted words, disjointed thoughts and whirling imagery that can only be untangled when ink is put to page.

Yet it is far too easy, particularly for a writer, to get caught up in one’s own head — from character development and intricately woven plot lines to climactic story arcs and the never-ending search for perfect prose. If we go too far down the proverbial rabbit hole, it can lead to internal paralysis — better known as writer’s block — where we hold many misguided beliefs about what writing is and what it is not.

It thus falls to the great keeper of words — for he and she alone — to overcome the inertia of the mind to not write and instead dedicate one’s self to write. This is not an easy task and all manner of things will aim to detract us from any and all forward progress.

As such, we must be steadfast in our purpose to carry forth with the simple act of sitting down and placing words in the blank space before us.

This is the first step of writing.

This is the hardest step.

And — if one wants to write anything at all — this is the only step.

Because without it, the words that come next can never be.

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